by JasonJohns | Allotment Jobs
September generally sees work on the allotment calming down a little. The weather will start to become cooler and the days shorten. There will be less to harvest and plant, giving you more time to work on longer term or structural projects on your plot. However, there...
by JasonJohns | Allotment Jobs
Well, summer is officially finishing, and if you live where I do, it never really got started. It’s been a mediocre summer with plenty of rain and cool, damp weather. Powdery mildew has loved it and many of my plants are suffering from this fungal infection now....
by JasonJohns | Gardening, Growing Tomatoes
By August/September time, many of us gardener’s are nervously looking at our tomato plants wondering if they are going to ripen. Most tomato plants will continue to produce flowers well into September, and sometimes even longer. These late flowers are highly...
by JasonJohns | Featured, Gardening, Latest, Slider, Vertical Gardening
No matter how much space you have to grow in, sooner or later, you will realise you have run out of space and need more. Sadly, we can’t just click a button and expand our gardens or allotments. What you have to do is make the most of the space you have and be... by JasonJohns | Growing Tomatoes, Growing Vegetables
Tomatoes are probably the most popular vegetable plant (though really it’s a fruit) grown at home. Many people try to grow these every year to various degrees of success. But what do you really need in order to successfully grow tomatoes? Here are six tips that...