Gardening With Jason

Your source of info for growing vegetables, herbs, fruits and more.

How to Manage and Treat Garlic Rust

Introduction Garlic is a staple in many cuisines and grown by home gardeners across the world. One of the biggest problems we face when growing garlic is garlic rust, which is unsightly and far too common. This article will concentrate on garlic rust, whereas if you...

Broad Bean Rust: What It Is And How To Tackle It

Introduction Broad bean rust is one of the most common and destructive diseases that affect broad beans (Vicia faba) and most of us will have seen it at one time or another. It is caused by a fungus, Uromyces fabae and mainly targets the pods, stems and leaves,...

Broad Bean Growing Guide

Broad beans, Vicia faba, are a popular crop with vegetable gardeners as the young beans are particularly sweet. Sow in the autumn to harvest from May or sow late winter/early spring for summer harvests. There are dwarf varieties which grow well in containers or small...

Broad Beans – Surprisingly Healthy Vegetable!

We all grow broad beans, or fava beans as our American cousins refer to them as. They are a popular crop across the world and many gardeners, myself included, grow them because they are a good space filler, can be planted in autumn to crop the following year and are a...

April – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

April is a fun time in the allotment or vegetable garden. Things are starting to grow, but not just the things you want … the weeds start to grow including the dreaded mares or horse tail. This will send up shoots with pods on the end that release spores to spread the...

Early Season Food For Bees

As spring comes, so bees, and other pollinators, wake up from hibernation and emerge looking for food. At this time of year, food can be scarce for them, particularly if an unseasonably warm snap wakes them up. With the climate changing, warm periods in late winter...

How to Manage and Treat Garlic Rust

Introduction Garlic is a staple in many cuisines and grown by home gardeners across the world. One of the biggest problems we face when growing garlic is garlic rust, which is unsightly and far too common. This article will concentrate on garlic rust, whereas if you...

Broad Bean Rust: What It Is And How To Tackle It

Introduction Broad bean rust is one of the most common and destructive diseases that affect broad beans (Vicia faba) and most of us will have seen it at one time or another. It is caused by a fungus, Uromyces fabae and mainly targets the pods, stems and leaves,...

Guide to Growing Garlic

Garlic, Allium sativum, is a perennial plant that is grown as an annual for its bulbs. If the bulbs are left in place, the plant will slowly spread while the bulbs grow and flower each year.  A member of the onion family, garlic is very popular for its culinary use...

Blossom End Rot

Have your tomatoes got dark blotches on the end that are creeping across the fruit? Don't panic, it is not the end of your crop, but something called blossom end rot, caused by lack of calcium in the fruits and it also affects peppers and aubergines. By making some...

Tomato Blight : Everything You Need To Know

Tomato blight, or late blight diseases (Phytophthora infestans), is a major issue for growers across the world. It can destroy crops and by the time it has infected your plants, it is too late for you to grow any more and your entire harvest is lost. Worse, late...

Sprouting Broccoli Growing Guide

Sprouting broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica, is an expensive to buy vegetable, known for its high levels of vitamins and anti-cancer agents. It is relatively easy to grow, though does have quite a long growing season so will take up space on your allotment. It...

Broad Bean Growing Guide

Broad beans, Vicia faba, are a popular crop with vegetable gardeners as the young beans are particularly sweet. Sow in the autumn to harvest from May or sow late winter/early spring for summer harvests. There are dwarf varieties which grow well in containers or small...

Broad Beans – Surprisingly Healthy Vegetable!

We all grow broad beans, or fava beans as our American cousins refer to them as. They are a popular crop across the world and many gardeners, myself included, grow them because they are a good space filler, can be planted in autumn to crop the following year and are a...

November – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

It is now getting quieter at the allotment as the harvest draws to a close and the days shorten, making it harder for many people to get time to work on their allotment. The weather will be colder and winter storms will be coming in. It's a lot of tidying up and...

October – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

In October, the allotment gets quieter, though you can find plenty to do. Sowing will be slowing down, but there is still lots of harvest and eat. Many of your plants will not survive a frost, so they need to be harvested before a frost hits. You will not be watering...