A Month By Month Guide To Growing Vegetables

- The Complete Allotment Guide - Volume 1
- The Complete Allotment Journal
When you have an allotment, a key part of successfully growing year after year is to plan what you are going to grow and where you are going to grow it. On top of this, you need to remember what you planted where last year so you avoid pests and diseases building up in the soil.
This book helps you to plan your allotment or vegetable garden, covering everything from planning your vegetable plot to tracking what you are planting and more. It is designed to help you get the most out of your allotment while still keeping growing vegetables as good fun and you not getting bogged down with paperwork.
Whether you have an allotment or have turned over part of your garden to growing vegetables, this guide will help you track what you have grown, what has worked and what you can do to improve your yields. As well as all this, the book includes helpful growing guides for over 50 different vegetables commonly grown at home. These step-by-step guides teach you everything you need to know to successfully grow these plants plus how to avoid the common problems people encounter with them.
This vegetable garden planner covers everything you need to know for a successful growing year, including:
- Track Your Seeds - every gardener has packets of seeds everywhere. You get a helpful table for tracking what seeds you have so you don't buy seeds you don't need
- Weekly Diary - a week by week diary so you can track what to plant, what to harvest and what jobs need to be done
- Planting Log - track everything you have planted this year so you can discover patterns or anomalies
- Pest and Disease Log - track the pests and diseases you encounter in your vegetable garden, which helps you know what treatments work and how the weather affects pests and diseases
- Lessons Learned - keep track of your harvest, what did well and what to not grow again, helping you understand what grows best in your environment
- What To Grow Next Year - plan what you are going to grow next year based on how everything performed this year
- Seed Planting Schedule - a detailed guide of when to sow, plant out and harvest the vegetables detailed in this book
- Growing Guides - step-by-step growing guides for over 50 different vegetables and herbs that are commonly grown at home
- Monthly Gardening Jobs - a detailed, month by month guide of what to sow and harvest in your vegetable and fruit garden plus what to do in your greenhouse and around your allotment
- Gardening Techniques - learn basic gardening techniques such as crop rotation, companion planting, hardening off and how to prune fruit trees
- Recipes - discover some of my favourite recipes from the vegetable garden including a guide to making jam and chutney
Plus you get printable copies of everything so you can print them at home and write on them.
This is the ultimate vegetable garden planner, combining proven planning and tracking techniques with valuable information for the new and experienced gardener. With everything in one place, this book will quickly become your go to guide for your allotment or vegetable plot.
Start planning your vegetable garden today and make the most of the growing season. This allotment planner makes planning fun and easy to do, which helps you get the most out of your allotment or vegetable garden.