July – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

July – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

July is another busy month in the vegetable garden. Planting will be slowing down, but harvesting is going to be occupying a lot of your time. Weeding and watering will be another time consuming task, but mulching your plants can help reduce the amount of work you...
June – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

June – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

June is all hands to the pump as it is one of the busiest months in the vegetable garden. The risk of frost has passed now for almost everyone, so all those tender plants you have been carefully looking after can be planted out. Many of the crops you have nurtured...
May – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

May – What To Do In The Vegetable Garden

May is a busy month in the vegetable garden. The days are getting longer, the weather warming and the risk of frost in most areas diminishing to close to zero. Many seedlings started in the last month or two are straining to get out of their pots, keen to be in the...
Allotments and the Corona Virus

Allotments and the Corona Virus

With all the worry about Covid-19, we all need to be careful. There is no reason you cannot go to your allotment during this time and plant, but you do need to take some sensible precautions. Many allotment owners are elderly and in the high risk groups, plus you do...
Early Season Food For Bees

Early Season Food For Bees

As spring comes, so bees, and other pollinators, wake up from hibernation and emerge looking for food. At this time of year, food can be scarce for them, particularly if an unseasonably warm snap wakes them up. With the climate changing, warm periods in late winter...