by JasonJohns | Featured, Gardening, Latest, Plant Diseases, Slider
Introduction Broad bean rust is one of the most common and destructive diseases that affect broad beans (Vicia faba) and most of us will have seen it at one time or another. It is caused by a fungus, Uromyces fabae and mainly targets the pods, stems and leaves,...
by JasonJohns | Featured, Growing Guides, Vegetable Growing Guides
Broad beans, Vicia faba, are a popular crop with vegetable gardeners as the young beans are particularly sweet. Sow in the autumn to harvest from May or sow late winter/early spring for summer harvests. There are dwarf varieties which grow well in containers or small...
by JasonJohns | Featured, Gardening, Growing Vegetables, Healthy Living
We all grow broad beans, or fava beans as our American cousins refer to them as. They are a popular crop across the world and many gardeners, myself included, grow them because they are a good space filler, can be planted in autumn to crop the following year and are a...