Your Guide to Growing Cruciferous Vegetables from Cabbage to Kale and Everything In Between

"Growing Brassicas" is an in-depth guide showing you exactly how to grow a wide variety of brassica or cruciferous vegetables at home. Whether you want to grow the common broccoli or cauliflower or the more unusual romanesco or the superfood maca.

There are a lot of vegetables in the brassica family and they have some surprising health benefits for you, plus they are really tasty! The real benefit of these vegetables for the home gardener, is that many of these are cool season plants, ideal for temperate climates and for growing over winter. They make an excellent crop to plant after the summer harvest.

This book introduces you to some of the most popular and some of the more unusual members of the brassica family. You will learn exactly how to grow each one from the ideal soil conditions through to the pests and problems facing each plant. You may be familiar with some of the vegetables in this book, but you are going to discover a few that are well worth growing ... ever grown purple or orange cauliflower?

As you read this book, you will learn everything you need to know about growing brassicas, from choosing the best varieties to grow in your area to the conditions your plants need to produce a bountiful harvest. You learn how to look after each plant, their food and watering needs plus where to position them for best results in your garden. This is an in-depth guide teaches you everything you need to know about this incredible family of vegetables.
As you read "Growing Brassicas", you will discover:

  • What are the members of the brassica family
  • What types of plant will grow where you live
  • The soil, food and water requirements for the brassicas
  • Common pests and diseases that affect brassicas and how to prevent them, including club root and wind rock
  • The health benefits of brassica vegetables, including broccoli, which deserves a special mention
  • Cooking with brassicas - lots of recipes for all the different vegetables
  • Detailed growing guides for 24 different types of brassica

And, of course, much, much more.

This book is designed to give you all the information you need to start growing brassicas at home. It is something anyone can do, whether you have a full sized garden or a balcony with space for a few pots. You will be surprised on what you can grow in limited space.

You can start growing delicious brassicas at home now. These are wonderful vegetables that have plenty of health benefits and taste delicious. This step-by-step guide teaches you everything you need. Whether you want to grow turnips, mizuna or the fiery hot wasabi, you will find the information you need in this book.


The Complete Guide to Berry Gardening from Boysenberries to Gooseberries and More

"Berry Gardening - The Complete Guide" is your in-depth guide to growing berries at home. Whether you are growing more common berries like strawberries or raspberries, or the more unusual like honeyberries or wineberries, this book tells you everything you need to know to start successfully growing berries at home.

There are lots of different types of berries and we see just a few of them in the stores. There are many more that you could grow, many of which are delicious and beneficial to you! Expensive berries such as goji berries can easily be grown at home almost anywhere in the world. Rare to find berries such as gooseberries grow well in your garden and produce a delicious crop that everyone must try, particularly the delightfully sweet purple gooseberries.

This book introduces you to many different types of berry, some of which you may be familiar with and some which may be new to you. Best of all, you discover the many different varieties of each berry, which are often far tastier than anything you can buy in the stores.

As you read this book, you will learn everything you need to know about growing berries at home from choosing plants to what conditions they need to thrive. You learn how to look after all the different types of plants from watering to feeding to soil and sun requirements, plus how to prune them so they keep producing lots of fruit every year. This in-depth book details everything you need to know to successfully grow berries.

As you read "Berry Gardening - The Complete Guide", you will discover:

  • What berry plants require to grow and produce fruit
  • All about the soil and how to make sure it is ideal for your plants
  • How to ensure your plants are pollinated and how to encourage beneficial insects into your garden
  • Pruning requirements and methods for the various berry plants
  • Propagation techniques for each berry plant so you can get more plants for free
  • How to harvest and store each type of berry for best results
  • Detailed growing guides for 24 different types of berry
  • Step-by-step guide to making jams, jellies and preserves with your berries including diabetic friendly methods
  • Lots of delicious and unusual recipes for your berry harvest

And, of course, much, much more.

This book is designed to give you all the information you need to start growing your own berries. It is something anyone can do, whether you have a full sized garden or a balcony with space for a few pots. You will be surprised on what you can grow in limited space.

You can start growing your favorite berries and enjoying delicious berries from your garden. Home grown berries taste amazing when compared to store bought berries, and they are easier to grow than you may think! In fact, you will be surprised just how big a harvest you can get, even from a small space. From bilberries to wineberries and everything in between, there is a berry plant for everyone in this book.


Your Guide To Creating A Bee Friendly Environment

"Save Our Bees - Your Guide To Creating A Bee Friendly Environment" is a guide to show you what you can do to save our dwindling bee population. Over 70% of our food crops are pollinated by bees; a species that is dying out at a frightening rate. Scientists have expressed their concern that if something is not done soon to stop these pollinating insects disappearing, we will face serious, irreparable problems with the world's food supply.

Bees are an amazing species of insect; there are over 25,000 different types of bee on the planet, with over 4,000 in the USA and around 250 in the United Kingdom. Honey bees are probably the most important species of bee as it is estimated that 80% of the food eaten by an American has been pollinated by a honey bee! These 'busy bees' work tirelessly to pollinate our food yet they are losing their habitat and their natural environment as our monoculture farming expands.

There is a big movement across the Western world to save the bees and provide them with an environment that supports them. Everyone, no matter whether you live in the middle of a city or the country, can help the bees. This book is a complete guide to everything you can do for the bees from the best flowers to grow for them, to how to support them with our changing weather and much, much more. When you read this book you will understand how this docile, much mis-understood insect is the foundation stone of much of the life on Earth and why it is so important that something is done to help them.

As you read "Save Our Bees", you will discover:

  • Exactly how the bees are so important and why it is vital we help them
  • Why bees are generally completely harmless and misunderstood and feared by many people
  • The different types of bee, both social and solitary
  • How to provide bees with natural sources of food throughout the year
  • Why early season flowers are so vital for bees and ones you can grow to provide them with food
  • Which plants you must avoid growing as they are toxic to bees
  • The truth behind the myth of feeding bees sugar water and how it can threaten their survival
  • Why pesticides are so dangerous to bees and some natural, bee safe alternatives to use around your home and garden
  • How to reduce your need for chemicals through environmentally friendly companion planting
  • What city dwellers can do to help bees and a surprising fact about urban bees that few people know
  • Exactly what you need to keep bees at home if you want to become a beekeeper
  • Information and resources on creating a bee friendly neighborhood

This in-depth guide has been written to give you all the information you need to start saving our bees. It is something anyone can do no matter how big or small your garden is, or even if you do not have a garden! Bees are an amazing species of insect and you can help them now.

Working together, we can help the bees and prevent their decline. Once you have read, "Save Our Bees", you will know exactly what you can do to help the bees no matter where you live. Even now, there is something magical about sitting back on a hot summer's day, watching bees lazily fly from flower to flower. Whether you want to become a beekeeper or just plant a bee friendly garden, there is plenty you can do to help these vital insects survive.


The Complete Guide to Lavender

"Growing Lavender - Growing, Using, Cooking and Healing with Lavender" is your in-depth guide to the amazing lavender plant. Not only does lavender look and smell fantastic in your garden, it is an incredibly useful plant used for health, beauty and cooking.

This book gives you all the information you need to know to successfully grow lavender at home, including how to avoid the number one mistake people make that kills their new plants! You will learn all about the different varieties of lavender and find out which ones are best in the kitchen, which are best for beauty, and which are best for health and healing. There are over 450 different lavender cultivars, all of which have slightly different colored flowers, different levels of oils and more.

When you read this book, you will learn everything you need to know to grow, harvest and use lavender at home. This beautiful plant is a must have addition to every garden and is beneficial to bees and other important insects.

In "Growing Lavender", you will discover:

  • The history and origins of lavender plus the folklore associated with this plant
  • How to grow lavender at home in the ground or in containers
  • Tips and advice on caring for your lavender plants, including how to prune it for a great looking plant every year
  • The pests and diseases that can affect lavender and how to treat them
  • All about the different lavender varieties and which are best for what use
  • How to harvest and dry lavender so that it will store well
  • The many culinary uses of lavender plus some delicious recipes ... you have to try the sorbet!
  • How to use lavender as a beauty aid, including some lovely recipes to make your skin look fantastic
  • The health and healing applications of lavender, including how to safely use this plant
  • Everything you need to know about lavender oil, including some popular oil blends

Plus much, much more. This in-depth guide has been writing to tell you everything you need to know to not only grow lavender, but use it around the house. This beautiful plant has a long association with humans, and you can find out all about it and how to use.

Start growing lavender today as "Growing Lavender" explains all about this amazing plant and how it can benefit you and your home.


"Growing Herbs - A Beginners Guide To Growing, Using, Harvesting and Storing Herbs" is for everyone who wants to grow herbs at home. Whether you are growing them to attract bees, for use in the kitchen or for their health or beauty properties, this book walks you through everything you need to know to successful grow 49 different types of herb.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of species of herb and plenty of varieties within that. Some are easy to grow, some are harder, but many common herbs grow wild as weeds yet have a multitude of uses that many of us have forgotten about. "Growing Herbs" is written to provide you with everything you need to know to grow 49 different herbs, harvest and store them and use them in your home.

When you read this book, you get tips, pointers and advice from a plant expert showing you how to avoid the common mistakes people make when growing herbs plus how to deal with the most commonly found problems.

"Growing Herbs - A Beginners Guide To Growing, Using, Harvesting and Storing Herbs" is packed full of information, tips and advice, including:

  • Why Grow Herbs? - understand why people grow herbs at home and the many benefits not only to you, but to our declining insect population.
  • How To Grow Herbs - a guide to growing herbs indoors, outdoors, in containers, vertically and hydroponically plus the common mistakes to avoid.
  • Starting Herbs From Seed - how to successfully germinate seeds that will lead to healthy, fully grown plants.
  • Pests and Problems - some of the common pests and problems that you will encounter when growing herbs, plus how to treat them and minimize the risk. Later in the book, you learn what specific pests and problems each herb may encounter.
  • Drying and Storing Herbs - how to dry your herbs so they will store for months, if not years, including some clever freezer techniques!
  • How to Root Cuttings - a guide to rooting cuttings for free plants or to propagate your current plants.
  • Making Herbal Mixtures - how to use your herbs for healing by making infusions, decoctions, tinctures, poultices and more.
  • Growing Instructions - step by step instructions on how to grow 49 different herbs, including how to care for them and harvest the herb.
  • Culinary Uses - detailed information on how each herb can be used in the kitchen.
  • Health Uses - traditional and modern health uses for each herb and how they can benefit your health.
  • Beauty Uses - simple yet effective beauty uses for each herb to make your skin, hair and more look fantastic.
  • Recipes - multiple delicious recipes to make in your kitchen and simple beauty recipes for every one of the herbs in the Herb Directory.

And of course, much more. This detailed guide teaches you everything you need to know to successfully grow your own herbs at home. Whether you are new to herbs or have tried to grow herbs before and want to know more, this book is for you. With everything from germinating seeds to harvesting and storing the herbs plus detailed information about every single plant, this is a complete guide to growing and using herbs.

Find out today how you can successfully grow herbs at home as "Growing Herbs - A Beginners Guide To Growing, Using, Harvesting and Storing Herbs" teaches you everything you need to know to produce a bountiful harvest of 49 different herbs at home and how to use them in the kitchen and more! Whether you are growing herbs indoors or outside, this book has the information you need to grow and use these amazing plants.
