Keeping Backyard Chickens From Coops To Feeding To Care And More

"Keeping Chickens For Beginners" is a great book for anyone wanting to keep their own chickens at home, whether for eggs, meat or even exhibiting.

Keeping chickens can seem very overwhelming at first and this book provides you with a clear step-by-step guide, walking you through everything from selecting the right breed for your needs to looking after your chickens to breeding them and more.

As you read this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully keep chickens and enjoy fresh eggs every day. Whether you have bought chickens already or are considering it, this book is for you; detailing every you need to know from choosing the right coop, the right food and creating the best conditions for healthy chickens. Anyone can keep chickens at home, and this book provides you with a shortcut to being an expert keeper!

In "Keeping Chickens For Beginners" you will discover:

  • Choosing a Coop - get the right coop and run, the main expenses in chicken keeping, to keep your chickens healthy and safe
  • Choosing a Breed - learn exactly what to look for in a breed, as well as the pros and cons of the different breeds, including the best egg layers and meat chickens
  • Feeding and Watering - discover the best foods for your chickens and what you should never feed them
  • Caring for Chickens - it's a big commitment, so learn everything you need to know to care for your hens from routine jobs to protecting them to seasonal jobs and more
  • Cleaning the Coop - a vital job that has to be done properly so you will learn the best way to clean the coop to kill pests and prevent infection
  • Pests, Disease and Predators - find out the risks to your chickens and exactly what you can do to minimize these dangers
  • Raising Chickens for Meat - not for everyone, but you will find out exactly how to raise a chicken for the table, including killing, plucking and butchering the bird
  • Breeding Chickens - how to successfully breed chickens to add to your flock, to sell or for the table
  • Hatching Eggs - everything you need to know to choose eggs to hatch and incubate them successfully
  • Caring for Baby Chicks - learn how to take care of baby chicks, what they need and when to move them outside
  • Holidaying - find out how to go away on holiday and ensure your chickens are well cared for whilst you are away
  • Exhibiting Chickens - discover the best breeds to exhibit and exactly what is required for a show winning chicken
  • Making Money With Chickens - some tips on generating an income from your chickens

Keeping chickens is incredibly rewarding and once you have had fresh eggs you won't ever want to return to bland, tasteless supermarket eggs. Although there is an initial outlay, chickens are relatively low maintenance and do not cost much once they are settled. You too can enjoy daily fresh eggs and even meat from your chickens.

Enjoy your adventure into chicken keeping, it is good fun and something anyone can do, even with a small backyard. Discover today how this book will teach you everything you need to know to successfully keep chickens at home and enjoy the benefits of these backyard birds.


"Hydroponics: A Beginners Guide To Growing Food Without Soil" is for anyone who wants to get started with this fascinating way of growing fruits and vegetable at home. Newly updated with fresh content and the latest information, you will learn everything you need to know to start growing hydroponically at home.
The whole field of hydroponics has captured the imagination of gardeners and scientists across the world, being a high-tech way of growing. Because of the "technology" associated with hydroponics it can be confusing to the beginner, so I wrote this simple to understand book to clear up some of the mystique surrounding this type of gardening.

When you read this book, you will get tips and advice that will teach you everything you need to know to get started with your own hydroponic garden and reap the many benefits it has to offer.

In "Hydroponics: A Beginners Guide To Growing Food Without Soil" you will discover:

  • What Plants to Grow - advice on tips on the best plants to grow hydroponically, which ones to start with and which ones to avoid.
  • The 6 Types of Hydroponic System - what these six types are, how they all work and which ones are the best to start with.
  • Choosing Your Hydroponic System - advice and guidance on choosing the best hydroponic system for your needs.
  • Lighting - What It Is and Why You Need It - learn how you can grow fresh produce all year round and speed up the growth of your plants.
  • What Nutrient Solution to Use - this is your plant food and I'll show you how to get it right, so your plants grow quickly and stay healthy!
  • Growing Guides – step-by-step guides detailing how to grow vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and more using hydroponic methods.
  • Ebb and Flow Hydroponic System Plans - guidance for building your own ebb and flow system at home.
  • Constructing A Top Feed Drip Hydroponic System - a great system to build at home and surprisingly easy to build!
  • Dealing with Pests and Diseases - tips and advice on how to avoid these problems and deal with them to prevent them from destroying the rest of your crop.
  • Managing and Monitoring pH Levels - a simple guide to managing the pH levels of your system to ensure your plants have the optimal growing conditions.
  • Setting the Nutrient Strength - this is vital if you want your plants to thrive and I'll show you exactly what to do so you avoid causing any damage to your plants.
  • Troubleshooting Guide - learn what to do if you encounter problems and, most importantly, how to avoid the problems in the first place.
  • Tips and Hints for Hydroponic Gardening - solid advice helping you to make the most of your hydroponic garden and avoid the common problems beginners encounter.
  • Hydroponic Systems and Vertical Gardening - increase your yield by growing vertically!
  • Introduction to Aquaponic Gardening - a primer on how to combine hydroponics with fish farming to produce a completely organic, self-sustaining system.

Hydroponics allows you to grow delicious crops much quicker than in soil and all year around. There is less hard work involved and the produce tastes so much better than anything grown in the ground. Because the plants have the ideal growing conditions, they mature much faster and you can be harvesting fresh tomatoes in around eight weeks from planting!

Enjoy your adventure iintohydroponics as "Hydroponics: A Beginners Guide To Growing Food Without Soil" explains all about this exciting way of growing fresh food at home. Discover today how you can enjoy hydroponics and reap the many benefits from it!


Growing More In Less Space: High Yield, Low Maintenance Organic Vegetable Gardening

"Square Foot Gardening - Growing More In Less Space" is for anyone who wants to grow more from less space using a high yield gardening method that is simple to follow.

Undoubtedly you garden the traditional way already, perhaps you even have some raised beds. What if you could increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you harvest from that space without having to increase the amount of work you need to do? In fact, what if you could reduce the amount of time it takes to look after your vegetable garden?

This is where square foot gardening comes in to its own. This system allows you to densely plant vegetables and produce high yields in low maintenance beds. It does sound amazing and it really is when you get into it.

I wrote this book to explain how square foot gardening can benefit you and how you can build your own square foot garden from scratch; it's simpler than you think! This simple, step-by-step guide will tell you everything you need to know to build a square foot garden and reap the benefits from it.

When you read this book you will get helpful tips and advice designed to help you make the most from this unique method of gardening.

In "Square Foot Gardening - Growing More In Less Space" you will discover:

  • What Is Square Foot Gardening - learn exactly what a square foot garden is and the principles behind it
  • The Benefits of Square Foot Gardening - find out why you need a square foot garden and how much it will benefit you
  • Planning a Square Foot Garden - step by step guide to planning a new square foot garden for maximum yield and minimum work
  • Supplies and Tools - discover what you need in order to create and maintain your square foot garden
  • Recommended Soil Mix - the "secret sauce" of a square foot garden which makes it possible to plant so densely
  • Planting and Spacing Guide - learn how many plants you can fit in each square foot for maximum yield and minimum work
  • Supporting Your Plants - find out how to best support your plants for maximum growth in your new square foot garden
  • Feeding and Watering - discover what your plants need to grow and the common mistakes to avoid during these tasks
  • Harvesting and Storing Your Crops - tips and advice on how best to harvest and store the many vegetables you will grow
  • Pests, Disease and Problems - these could well affect your square foot garden, though less than you may think, so find out what to watch out for
  • Square Foot Vertical Gardening - grow your plants vertically within your square foot garden to increase your yield even more!
  • Square Foot Gardening in Containers - learn how to create a portable square foot garden, ideal for anyone who moves around or just doesn't have the space
  • Succession Planting - my favorite way to increase yields and you will learn how to get even more out of your growing area
  • Companion Planting - give your plants a little extra help with this handy guide to companion plants
  • Square Foot Gardening Tips - practical advice designed to help you avoid the common and sometimes costly mistakes people make when starting out

Square foot gardening is a great gardening method and one that reduces the amount of maintenance work for your garden whilst increasing yields. There are a lot of benefits from this form of gardening, including fewer problems with diseases, weeds and pests and is something well worth learning more about.

Even if you just create a small square foot garden you can still gain many benefits from this unique growing system. Discover today how "Square Foot Gardening - Growing More In Less Space" can help you create your own high yield, low maintenance garden in almost any space!


Creating Compost At Home With Vermiculture - Learn To Create Compost From Kitchen Waste At Home

"Worm Farming - Creating Compost At Home With Vermiculture" is for anyone who wants to know more about worm farming and creating high quality compost at home from their kitchen waste.

Worm farming is seeing a massive increase in popularity as people seek natural and organic methods of farming and producing fruit, vegetables and flowers at home. This book is your complete guide to worm farming, taking you step-by-step through the entire process from selecting worms to building your worm farm to breeding your worms and much, much more.

As you read this book you will get an in-depth insight into worm farming so you are able to build your own at home cheaply and easily and look after it so you get a regular supply of super nutritious worm compost for your plants!

In "Worm Farming - Creating Compost At Home With Vermiculture" you will discover:

  • Vermiculture: What It Is and Why It Matters - find out why vermiculture is such a great way of producing high quality compost and why so many people are doing it at home
  • What You Need To Setup a Worm Farm - learn exactly what you need to build your own worm farm at home, it's cheaper and easier than you thought!
  • The Different Types of Worm - understand the different types of worms used in worm composting both in Europe and the USA so you can choose the right worm for your specific requirements
  • A Simple Worm Farm Plan - a guide to building your own worm farm that is cheap to make and easy to maintain
  • Feeding Your Worms for Excellent Compost - discover exactly what you should, and should not, be feeding your worms if you want high quality compost
  • Where to Locate Your Worm Bin - find out exactly where to position your worm bin so the worms are safe, happy and productive
  • The Best Bedding for Your Worms - learn what bedding you need to provide your worms so they can move around and break down the waste material efficiently
  • The Right Environment for Your Worms to Thrive - create the best environment for your worms so that they can thrive
  • Keeping Your Worm Population Under Control - worms can quickly multiply so you will learn how to keep your worm population from getting out of control
  • Harvesting Your Compost - learn how to harvest your compost without losing worms or valuable compost!
  • Making Worm Compost Tea - a beneficial by-product of worm farming which you will learn how to produce and use safely
  • Propagating Your Worms - find out more about helping your worms to multiply, how they mate and more so you can produce as many worms as you want
  • Pests, Enemies and Potential Problems - discover some of the potential pests and problems that will face your worms and how to overcome them
  • Creating a Worm Farming Business - a complete guide to creating your own profitable business farming and selling worms and their compost
  • Worm Farming Tips and Advice - some practical tips and advice helping you to run your worm farm properly and with as few problems as possible
  • Disaster Management - in case the worst happens, this chapter will guide you through recovering from a number of potential disasters
  • Worm Farming Jargon Explained - understand all of the jargon associated with worm farming including common Latin terms and other words used by worm farmers around the world

Worm farming is a really fun hobby and a great way to produce a high quality compost you can use on your plants. The resulting compost is highly beneficial to your plants and is often the secret sauce for prize winning gardeners.

Enjoy your adventure into worm farming as "Worm Farming - Creating Compost At Home With Vermiculture" explains all about this exciting method of composting. Discover today how you can produce your own high quality compost from kitchen waste!


Everything From Apricots To Medlars To Walnuts Explained In Depth

"Fruit Growing - The Complete Guide To Growing Fruit At Home" is for anyone who wants to know more about growing their own delicious fruit at home.

Whether you are looking to grow a few plants or grow fruit on a larger scale you will find everything you need to know in this step-by-step guide. I wrote this book to give you everything you need to know about growing fruit whether you are a beginner, expert or have dabbled in growing fruit before.

When you read this book you get tips, advice and guidance on growing fruit at home successfully plus how to harvest that fruit, store it, cook with it, preserve it and enjoy it for bountiful crops year after year.

In "Fruit Growing - The Complete Guide To Growing Fruit At Home" you will discover:

  • What Fruit To Grow - tips and advice on what fruit to grow based on your local climate and personal preferences.
  • A to Z Of Growing Fruit - from almonds to walnuts and everything in between, a complete step by step detailing how to plant, care for, prune, harvest and cook for a wide variety of fruits plus learn what pests and diseases to look out for so you have productive and healthy plants year after year.
  • Month By Month Growing Calendar - telling you exactly what to do each month to keep your fruit garden productive and healthy.
  • Fruit Pruning Guide - learn exactly how you to prune your fruit trees and bushes without damaging the plants and to maximize fruit production.
  • Harvesting Guide - how to harvest your fruit without damaging them and when your fruit is ready ... I know ... you can't wait!
  • Common Fruit Growing Problems - some of the most common problems you will run in to when growing fruit and how to avoid them.
  • Fruit Planting Tips - advice on how to plant your fruit trees to give them the best start in life.
  • Fruit Growing Products - a guide to the bewildering array of products available to you as a fruit grower plus how to save money on them!
  • Detoxing With Fruit - how you can use fruit to improve your health and detox, saving hundreds on expensive products.
  • Fruity Beauty Treatments - use the fruit you grow as beauty products and cut out the chemicals and cost!
  • Super Foods In Your Garden - grow your own super foods which are packed with antioxidants to help combat disease and the signs of aging.
  • Canning And Bottling Fruit - store your harvest for later in the year with this guide.
  • Drying Fruit From Your Garden - learn how you can enjoy delicious dried fruit and preserve your crop.
  • Freezing Fruit - preserve your home-grown fruit for months with these simple methods so you can enjoy your fruit in the winter months.
  • Storing Your Fruit - which fruits you can store and how to store them for the winter months.
  • Delicious Fruit Recipes - more recipes you can make using your fresh fruit from your garden.
  • Getting Kids To Eat Fruit - a battle most parents will be familiar with and get some tips to help your children eat more fruit.
  • The Environmental Impact Of Growing Your Own Fruit - not only do you get delicious fruit but you are helping the environment too when you grow your own fruit!

Growing your own fruit is really good fun and high beneficial to your health. Whether you grow a few bushes or trees or start your own mini-farm in your garden there are plenty of benefits to you from growing your own fruit at home.

Enjoy your adventure in to fruit growing as "Fruit Growing - The Complete Guide To Growing Fruit At Home" explains all about this exciting hobby. Discover today how growing your own fruit is simpler than you may have thought and has so many benefit for you.
